A More Effective Approach to Locum Tenens. In filling the physician staffing gaps at your facility, perhaps you rely on locum tenens physicians. You might do so somewhat reluctantly, not realizing that there is a better alternative. At Concorde, we call this alternative supplemental staffing.
Unlike the typical locum tenens arrangement—where a physician works at a facility for a very short time and then leaves for the next assignment—Concorde’s supplemental staffing approach involves a regular pool of doctors who support your staff over time.
We work hard to develop a small group of doctors who match the unique needs and culture of your facility and location. These physicians quickly become more fully integrated into your organization than a traditional locum tenens doctor could. Often, full-time staff assumes Concorde’s supplemental doctors are actually permanent part-time physicians on staff.
We do use some locum tenens physicians, but usually just as vacation fill-ins for supplemental staffing or permanent physicians. Meanwhile, our LTs are still subject to the same rigorous quality standards and cultural screenings we apply to every candidate.
By working with us, you can:
- Take on new contracts or business before hiring permanent staff.
- Keep full-time physicians from being overworked.
- Save money versus hiring permanent doctors, without the insurance and benefits overhead.
Interested in learning more about what Supplemental Staffing can do for your facility? Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of our team today.
Jamey Morgan